Contact Us

Brand Media & Product Questions
If you have a question about one of our brands, need assistance with a product or are seeking product safety data sheets, please select an option from the drop-down menu below to access the brand's website and consumer care team contact information.

Corporate Philanthropy
If your 501c3 organization falls within Newell Brands’ focus areas and is in need of our products, please submit your request here. While we cannot address every need, we will try to accommodate your request to the best of our ability.

Submit An Idea
Interested in submitting an idea for our brands? Please visit us here.

For corporate media requests, please contact the Corporate Communications team at

Newell Brands does not accept solicitations or participate in pay-for-play media, editorial or advertorial opportunities.

Investor Relations
Please contact our investor relations team via email at

For questions regarding our supplier program, please visit us here.

Need assistance with your application? Contact us at